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I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks, generally because I’ve been busy getting old. Yes I turned the big 3-0 but it wasn’t all bad, I got some AMAZING presents and had a lovely night out with friends and a big family meal. So far so good on the thirties front!

What to do with them??! I’ve got about 80 or so hanging around from the wedding, we used them as place settings:

I’m definitely going to keep a healthy amount, if I’m honest I only decided to do this as it was a good excuse to buy lot’s of them -I’ve always wanted a display like the one below:


But what to do with the rest? I was going to sell them as a job lot on Ebay but I keep coming across more and more interesting and creative things to do with them. Do I try and make something out of them to sell on? I spent a fair amount of money and quite a while finding them so it’s an attractive idea. Problem is – what to do?!


I have lots and lots of talented friends, particularly in the art and design field who I am always in awe of. Nothing has got me more excited recently though, than a very good friend of mine having her first book published – Hollywood Sinners by Victoria Fox:

I am sitting here writing with a rather large mug of coffee due to the fact I am coming to the end of the book and CAN’T PUT IT DOWN. My early nights are getting later and later and this morning…I even put my son in front of the tv for 10 minutes so I could sneak off and find out what happened at the end of a chapter. BAD MOTHER. It really is great and I have to keep pinching myself that I know the person that wrote it and it’s not some super famous author like Joan Collins. Well done Victoria!

Hello, long time no see!

I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long but I’ve been busy playing mother and organising a wedding. It’s hard to believe but my son is only a couple of weeks off his first birthday – I just don’t know where the time has gone! I’m hoping to find the time to do some more artwork soon and also keep this updated, in the meantime I thought I’d post some pics from our wedding – some of the inspiration behind it you may have seen in previous posts:

Photography by the very talented DNLK London.

There is a lot of love for the humble sewing implement right now, particularly buttons. Another recession inspired trend, following the ‘make do and mend’ ethos?

aaaAlyssa Nassner




Martin Wiscombe

Hello, sorry it has been so long since I last posted properly but there have been big changes afoot. I’ve left the bright lights of London and moved back to Essex so I’ve been busy digging out the white stilettos. I’m also now only 3 weeks off my due date (eek…) so on maternity leave and trying to get the new place straight as well as think about the wedding. Phew. I’m back now though, computer set up and raring to go.

Since I posted about Namolio I’ve noticed a bit of a crochet obsession forming. My mum is currently making me the cutest crochet pram blanket and I’ve just come across this amazing bunting by Wood & Wool Stool:

I think something like this would make a fantastic wedding garland..(hint hint mum!). Wood & Wool Stool also have some fabulous other products to satisfy my crochet cravings:

…when shopping for a birthday card for my brother…

In WHSmith at Liverpool St Station. I’ve made it!!

It’s been a while…

Is it me or is there a lot of love for the bicycle at the moment? I keep seeing loads of designs on a number of items – new bikes, old bikes, penny farthings. I particularly love the old style designs such as the cushion from Rose & Grey:

   Various @ Etsy

      Little Korboose                Judi Rosen                       Ella Doran

        Rose & Grey                                                       Urban Outfitters